Naviate Landuse March Release 2022.1.4
Updates in Landuse. Highlights include improvements to SOSI import and HensynSone content.
Updates in Landuse. Highlights include improvements to SOSI import and HensynSone content.
Updates in Naviate HVAC & Plumbing. Highlights include a new feature PartMaker and improvements to Sound and Pressure loss calculation.
Updates in Naviate Electrical. Highlights include the new feature Create Custom Families.
Updates in Naviate Daylight. Highlights include Daylight Factor improvements for placement of daylight point values and export.
Updates in Naviate Accelerate. Highlights include improvements to Cloud Browser, Type Selection and SOSI Import.
Updates in Naviate Simple BIM. New feature Groups and improvements to Bimsheet, Validation, Table Palette, 3D Window, IFC Export and Location Tools.
Updates in Naviate Architecture. Highlights include new functionality for Offline Usage and new feature Door and Window Drawings.
Updates in Naviate Structure. Highlights include new functionality for Offline Usage and new feature Openings. Improvements to Rebar Placement, Tag Rebar, BVBS Code and Group Rebar.
There are no updates in Naviate Rebar Extension in this release.