Naviate Accelerate June Release 2023.1.1

01 July 2022

Updates in Naviate Accelerate. Highlights include a new Cloud Content Manager, and Re-save Families. In addition to improvements to Update Project, sort order of Views and Sheets and Setting options.

Naviate for Civil 3D 2023.1 release

22 June 2022

Naviate for Civil 3D is now available with 2023.1 version for Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 platform. In this release we have implemented a new licensing system using a Symetri ID (SSO).

Naviate Simple BIM release 2022.6

22 April 2022

Updates in Naviate Simple BIM. New feature Export to Excel and improvements to Column Chooser, Properties Palette, Table Palette, Basic Quantities, Location and templates.