Naviate Daylight

Automate daylight factor and daylight area ratio calculations of your BIM model for optimising design decisions on indoor lighting, windows and other elements for better work and living areas.

Customised for architects

Naviate Daylight automates daylight requirements checking based on several local standards, reducing the time needed for manual checking and documenting. Daylight is integrated within Revit, saving all data in Revit environment and removing the need to export/import data — and reducing the risk of data loss. There are also various visualization and reporting functionalities available for creating reference and presentation content.

Save time
Control data
Optimize workflows

Calculate daylight performance

Naviate Daylight gives a quick overview of how much daylight each room has. Daylight gives you complete insight into your building performance by calculating the given Window-to-Floor and Window-to-Wall ratios, then analyzing material properties and surrounding objects, and ultimately calculating Daylight Factor values.

Daylight overview

  • Scans the BIM model and reports Daylight Ratio and Factor compliance against required minimums
  • Saves and reuses data in BIM model
  • Fully integrated in Revit environment, supporting major design and modelling Revit functionalities
  • Provides multiple daylight performance visualization and reporting functionalities
  • Customizable visualization styles and reporting templates
  • Provides support for all Nordic daylight regulations and selected European regulations

Naviate Daylight is available from 2022 release of Revit onwards.

Supported standards

  • Norwegian regulations: Byggteknisk forskrift § 13-7. Lys
  • Swedish regulations: Boverkets byggregler § 6.322 Dagsljus (SS 914201)
  • Danish regulations: Bygningsreglementet § 379 Dagslys
  • Finnish regulations: Ympäristöministeriön asetus asuin-, majoitus- ja työtiloista 5 § Asuin-, majoitus- ja työtilan ikkuna
  • Dutch regulations: BRISbouwbesluit § 3.11 Daglicht (NEN 2057)
  • Worldwide green building certification program from U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED 2009 EQc 8.1
  • European Committee for Standardisation (CEN/TC) 169 EN 17037:2018 Daylight in buildings

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