Release news Naviate for Revit

Naviate Zero February release news 2023.1.15 and 2024.7.1

Release news for Naviate Zero. Highlights includes the new features AI Assistant OCL Export All, Filters, OCL Warnings, Settings and Create Resource Assemblies.

New! Naviate Assistant - AI Search

With the Naviate Assistant AI, you can now use the new assisted search or filtering to easily find resources matching your requirements or selected Revit Elements.

New! Naviate Assistant - AI Questioning and Answering

Naviate Zero now features an AI-powered assistant. Within the comparison tool, users can interact with the AI to ask questions about resources or sustainability.

New! OCL Export All

Naviate Zero now enables the export of all Revit elements to One-Click LCA (OCL). Previously, only elements with a mapped resource EPD could be exported. While this option remains available, we have introduced this additional feature to allow users to continue their work in OCL and leverage options such as OCL private constructions or other relevant data points.

New! Apply Resources - Naviate Filters

The Apply Resources feature now supports the mapping of resource EPDs to instances within Revit. This functionality is enabled with Naviate Filters, a feature of Naviate Accelerate. Users can configure filters with rules to decide which elements in the model should be included. Within Apply Resources, these filters can then be mapped to a specific resource EPD. This option is particularly useful when element types have instance parameters that influence which resource EPD should be applied.

New! Apply Resources - OCL Warnings

All Naviate resource EPDs now include warnings from One-Click LCA (OCL). These messages are visible in the Apply Resources section, shown by a warning triangle next to the corresponding resource in the table. The warnings, which mirror those displayed in OCL, may include notifications such as "A newer version of this EPD is available."

New! Apply Resources - Warnings to avoid double counting

Users applying resources to curtain walls, curtain panels, or curtain mullions will now receive a warning to prevent double counting. Since both panels and mullions are components of curtain walls, there is a risk of them being counted twice if resource EPDs are mapped to both elements.

New! Apply Resources - AND/OR filter

The Apply Resources feature now supports AND/OR filtering when searching for resource EPDs. Previously, the search would match the entire search text; however, the updated functionality offers greater flexibility. Using the "Match All" option will match all individual words in the search field, while other search configurations will return resources that match at least one of the terms.

New! Settings - Default Unit Settings

The Naviate Zero Settings now include default unit settings the first time you run the application. This prevents users from having to do the initial project setup step every time. The default units are active until other settings have been chosen and saved.

New! Assemblies - Create Resource Assemblies

Naviate Zero now introduces an innovative approach to working with Resource EPDs. Through the new web interface, users can create resource assemblies—groups of resource EPDs that can be applied to elements within Revit. This functionality enables the assignment of resource EPDs without the need to apply them to all materials or create duplicates. The assemblies are accessible to all individuals within your organization, allowing for the creation of a company-specific library and the standardization of EPD management practices.

To access the assembly creation for your organization, go to Manage Assemblies in the Ribbon menu.

Users can start selecting their resource EPDs and group them together into a resource assembly.

The user can modify the assembly to suit their specific needs, and Naviate Zero will assist by automatically populating fields and calculating the GWP value for the assembly.

After publishing, the assembly will be accessible in Revit to all users within your organization. It can be used in the same manner as a standard resource EPD by applying it through the Apply Resources feature.

Apply Resources - Extended Detailiing in Assigning Resources

The "Apply Resources" feature now supports the assignment of decimal and 0% values to types and materials. This functionality enables users to exclude specific parts of elements from calculations, such as when a material is reused from an earlier project.

Apply Resources - Import and Export of Resource Mappings

The Import and Export functionality for resource mappings has been enhanced to support exchange between Revit models. Previously, it only allowed imports to models based on the same template. With this improvement, users can now create a template model with pre-mapped resources that can be reused in other projects, thereby saving time on mapping. Resources mapped to clones will also be imported; however, any clones used in the export must be manually recreated in the target model prior to starting the import, as they will not be automatically generated.


  • Apply Resources: Resource Category Names that were wrongly named have been fixed.
  • Settings: Importing files other than a settings file previously caused the application to crash.