Release news Naviate for Civil 3D
Naviate Road 2022.3 release
Updates in Naviate Road. With update to Featureline label set and improvements to Corridor Settings.
Changes are available in 2022.3, 2021.13, 2020.23 and 2019.33
Create Sheet Piles from Objects
This new command creates individual sheet piles from a selected block or closed polyline.
Create Single Anchors
This command creates single anchors for sheet piles.
Add featureline label set (NVAddFeaturelineLabelSet)
Fixed an issue where the labels were placed on the current layer. The command now uses the General Segment Label layer from Object Layer setting in the drawing.
Import Corridor Settings (NVCorridorSettings)
Fixed an issue where the command fails to find the Project.folder
Naviate Subassemblies
Kerbstone2_NV (Råkantsten2_NV)
New subassembly similar to Kerbstone_NV (Råkantsten_NV) but has renamed parameters on the outer side (previously B-side). There is also new Input and Output Parameters to control the position of a Load Slope point for change of the SubLayer depth e.g. for the new subassembly FlexibleLane52_NV, in an assembly for Lane and SideWalk, see images below.
Kerb4_NV (Kantsten4_NV)
New subassembly similar to Kerb3_NV (Kantsten3_NV) with new Input and Output Parameters to control the position of a Load Slope point for change of the SubLayer depth e.g. for the new subassembly FlexibleLane52_NV, in an assembly for Lane and SideWalk, see images below.
FlexibleLane52_NV (KörbanaFlexibel52_NV)
New subassembly similar to FlexibleLane5_NV (KörbanaFlexibel5_NV) with new Input and Output Parameters to control the position of a Load Slope point for change of the SubLayer depth e.g. together with the new subassembly Kerbstone2_NV or Kerb4_NV, in an assembly for Lane and SideWalk, see images below. The new settings also allow two lanes of subassembly FlexibleLane5_NV, to change width and adopt depths and transitions to each other. See images below including the Subassembly and Assembly Properties dialogs.
Example of Assembly and Assembly Properties connecting Kerb4_NV and LaneFlexible52_NV:
Subassembly DaylightWithCover_NV and DaylightWithCoverRound_NV (Släntområde-Släntkil_NV/ Släntområde-Släntkil-Avrundning_NV)
These subassemblies have a new logical (Yes/No) Output Parameter “StripTopSoil” that is Yes if that subassembly is in Cut or when in Fill, if the insertion point is less than 2m above the ground surface (or the corresponding datum point is less than 1m above the ground surface).
There is also a new insertion point “StripTopSoilPoint” for attaching the subassembly StripTopSoil_NV. This point is placed in the outer Cut point or in the inner Cover point in Fill when the corridor builds.
New StripTopSoilPoint:
StripTopSoil=Yes only on right side:
Fill case on left side and Cut case on right side:
Assembly Properties connecting ”StripTopSoil” Output Parameter from DaylightWithCover_NV to “Draw” Input Parameter of StripTopSoild_NV:
You can find the related release notes here
- Release notes for Naviate Pipe
- Release notes for Naviate Landscape
- Release notes for Naviate Civil 3D General
- Release notes for Naviate Traffic