Release news Naviate for Civil 3D

Naviate for Civil 3D 2024.3 Road release

Updates in Naviate Road for Civil 3D. Highlights include Updates to Copy Corridor, Extrude and 3D Measure plus a modified Subassembly for rock cut.

Changes are available in Naviate for Civil 3D 2024.3 release.


There is a new subassembly DaylightRockCutB_NV that has a horizontal rock shelf instead of “follow surface”. Either use NvSubassembly to insert it or to change an inserted DaylightRockCut_NV subassembly use Properties window and change .Net Class Name to DaylightRockCutB_NV.

Copy Corridor

Copy Corridor now copies Overrides and Transitions.


Extrude can now support templates. When a template is saved, you get the option to save a description file. It can also create multiple Extrudes in the same command, and a Copy option is available in Edit. Also has a Preview. The command can also apply IFCExport to prepare for IFC Export.

3D Measure

3D Measure can now support templates. When a template is saved, you get the option to save a description file. The command has been updated with options to place blocks at Start/End of the line. It can also insert other blocks at the start/end to support for instance railings that have a start-segment and end-segment that is different from the main railing. Also has a Preview. The command can also apply IFCExport to prepare for IFC Export. The command now supports MVBlocks as well as Note-labels.


  • Corridor-Solids (NvCorShapeToSolid+NvCorLinkToShapeSolid) now uses 0.01’ in Imperial dwgs
  • Update Feature Line Label Group - now reports when alignment is missing and allows change to existing alignment

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