Naviate Infrastructure
Naviate Infrastructure is a bundle of Naviate Road, Pipe and Landscape. Together with Civil 3D you have everything you need for your infrastructure projects. Please refer to each individual product for detailed description.

Complete package for infrastructure design
Naviate Infrastructure includes all templates and settings required for a complete interdisciplinary infrastructure project. Save money with one Infrastructure licens that gives you access to all functionalities in Naviate Pipe, Road & Landscape.
Comprehensive Toolset
With Naviate Infrastructure the user gets the benefits from the efficient Road Design Tools in Naviate Road, simple Visualisation Tools from Naviate Landscape and quick Elevation Tools in Naviate Pipe. Together with Civil 3D you have everything you need for a complete infrastructure project.
Learn more about Naviate for Civil 3D general features
Select object with Property
Selects items with specified properties, in order to export or examine the properties of the objects. After objects are selected, use the Properties palette to change the properties.
Export and Import Properties
Export property data from objects matching a selected filter to a CSV. After editing the CSV-file, the Property data can be imported to the objects in the file.
Create Property Set from CSV
Create Property sets from column names in a CSV -file.
Export and Import Property set from XML
Export and Import finished property sets from and to a drawing with related lists.
Match Properties from CSV
Imports matching columns/Properties from a cSV_file by matching one or two properties on the objects with one or two columns in the csv-file.
Copy Property Data
Copies property set with information from one objects to several.Note option "Copy to clipboard" that saves selection to command NVPropPaste.