Naviate Base features

Here you can find the overview of the available features in Naviate Base

Solid Tools

Tools to manipulate existing solids like Slice, Union and Subtract Solid. Slice Solid slices a solid at an interval along an alignment and adds Station and Volume Properties. Union Solids can union solids where AutoCAD does not do so, and copies properties from the first solid in the operation. Subtract Solids subtract solids and keep both solids.

Feature Line from Solid

Create 3DPoly or Feature Line along break lines in an existing solid, e.g., follow the top of curb and create a continuous line.

Create Property Sets

Create Property sets from Block attributes, CSV-file column headers or XML-file with Property set definition.

Add Property Set Data

Multiple tools to add property set data to solids, blocks, lines, 3dfaces etc. while also adding properties like Length, Area, Volume, Station/Offset from Alignment and more.

Match Property Set Data from CVS

This function can match e.g., a Code Property in Property Set on existing objects with a column in a CSV-file with e.g., Length, Width, Weight etc., and then import those properties to a new or existing property set on those objects.

Property Palette

A comprehensive palette for managing Property Set information on any type of object. The palette can search for objects with specific values either for editing in Civil 3D or to export property data to Excel and then re-import the edits. Property Sets can also be applied and updated from the palette.

Copy Property to

Multiple commands for copying property data between objects in the same or different drawings and from other sources on the same object, such as Block Attributes, Xdata, Pay Item and Object Data.

Add Schedule Label/Table

Enhanced function for placing dynamic property set schedules, as tables or labels, and scaling them to match the drawing scale. Function also supports leaders.

Sub Surface

Creates a set of surfaces at a specified distance from each other, to create a substructure based on a surface. Different predefined Sub Surface settings can be stored.

Min Max Surface

Creates a surface from the lowest or highest elevations of two or more surfaces. The command can also update the resulting surface if the design is changed.

Slope Patterns

Creates slope patterns between two lines in 2D or 3D and can update the slope pattern.

Extract 3D Faces from Objects

Extract 3Dfaces from solids or Revit slabs, with possibility to filter faces for top, bottom or vertical by checking each face “normal direction”.

Volumes in Intervals

Advanced volume calculation from e.g., a Road Bottom Surface that cuts through multiple volume surfaces e.g., Soil, Clay, Rock etc. Also, ability to specify e.g., rock volumes based on depth of excavation. Result can be exported to CSV or presented in tables.

Create View Frame

Insert a View Frame in the drawing at the selected size & scale and add Property Set information.

Hatch View Frame

After view frames are created, this command can create individual hatches as a base for the key map/overview.

Create Sheets

Quickly create multiple sheets based on a view frame setup.

View Frame Array

Create an array from a view frame and places match lines and match labels.