Plan production solutions in Naviate Civil 3D

29 March 2023

In version 2023.2 of Naviate for Civil 3D we included a new set of features aimed at plan production. These features can take any layout of View frames, whether they are created along an alignment or if they are in a grid pattern, and use them as a base for creating multiple Layouts with the aid of a script.

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Walk path with Sub Structure in Naviate for Civil 3D

25 October 2022

As much as I like to create complex corridors, sometimes you don’t need or want to go through all the steps that are required to create a corridor. In my example I am doing a short S-shaped walk path. The path itself is created by featurelines, which gives me a lot of freedom with the shape. It is easy to make the path wider in some areas or even add some steps if needed.

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Pipe Trench with a Road-datum surface and a Rock-surface

23 August 2022

Volume calculation for a Pipe Trench can range from easy as pie to complex as a maze. One aspect that complicates matters is that there is infinite (at least it feels like it) number of section layouts, and all of them need to be considered when creating a method for volume calculating. Almost everything is solvable though, and this post will explain what you need when working with multiple surfaces.

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Import information from Excel with Naviate Plant Data

01 March 2022

Naviate Plant Data is an easy way of importing information from an Excel-file and apply the information to Civil 3D or AutoCAD objects. In this blog post I will describe how to go from information in a spread sheet in Excel to information attached to your design elements.

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Format management - SHP-files and Naviate for Civil 3D

15 February 2022

One of the challenges that we have working with Civil 3D is that we have a lot of different formats to handle. This could be both to export to and import from. In this blogpost I will focus on the SHP-format and were Naviate will come in to help you handle the format.

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